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To start the remote tool software

Download the program by clicking on one of the following logos : 

Double click on the download file "TeamViewerQS" to run the software, then contact us at the following numbers to communicate your ID and password

XTREM TECH :  01 40 72 72 73

Charles :  06 15 93 17 93

Steeve : 06 12 43 68 66

 Remote Help RUST DESK

To start the remote tool software

Download the program by clicking on one of the following logos : 


Double click on the download file "RUSTDESK" to run the software, then contact us at the following numbers to communicate your ID and password

XTREM TECH :  01 40 72 72 73

Charles :  06 15 93 17 93

Steeve : 06 12 43 68 66

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